Minimum claimable time for any activity is 1 hour. Refer to the table below for maximum claimable hours.   Activities completed prior to your Registration Date will not be accepted.  All activities lodged will be subject to audit.

120 hours per Practising Certificate cycle

Min.  24 hours per year
Max. 30 hours per year
Max. 20 hours per year
ERZ / UMM Forum - Presenter (provider: RSHQ) HS12 hours per activity 
ERZ / UMM Forum (provider: RSHQ) HS6 hours per activity 
MMAA Seminars - Presenter (Mine Managers Association Australia) MM12 hours per activity 
MMAA Seminars (Mine Managers Association Australia) MM6 hours per activity 
QMIHSC  - Presenter (Queensland Mining Industry Health & Safety Conference) HS12 hours per activity 
QMIHSC  (Queensland Mining Industry Health & Safety Conference) HS6 hours per activity 
SSHR Training Seminar - Presenter (Site Safety Health Representative) HS12 hours per activity 
SSHR Training Seminar (Site Safety Health Representative) HS6 hours per activity 
Technical Seminars - Presenter (BOE approved) HS12 hours per activity 
Technical Seminars (BOE approved) HS6 hours per activity 
Max. 20 hours per year
Apply and monitor mine services and infrastructure systems*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor mine transport systems and production equipment*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor polymeric chemical management plans*MM5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the gas drainage management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the gas management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the inrush management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the outburst management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the strata management plan*MM5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor the ventilation management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Apply and monitor underground coal mine emergency preparedness and response systems*LEML5 hours per activity1
Apply risk management processes*LEML5 hours per activity1
Apply the spontaneous combustion management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Communicate information*LEML5 hours per activity1
Demonstrate leadership in the workplace^LEML5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain gas management system*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain inrush management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain mine services and infrastructure systems*MM5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain mine transport systems and production equipment*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain risk management systems*LEML5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain spontaneous combustion management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain the gas drainage management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain the mining method and strata management systems*MM5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain the outburst management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain the WHS management system*HS5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain underground coal mine emergency preparedness and response systems*LEML5 hours per activity1
Establish and maintain ventilation management system*MM5 hours per activity1
Implement mine transport systems and production equipment*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the gas drainage management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the gas management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the inrush management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the outburst management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the spontaneous combustion management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement the strata management plan*MM5 hours per activity1
Implement the ventilation management plan*HS5 hours per activity1
Implement underground coal mine emergency preparedness and response systems*LEML5 hours per activity1
Learning from Disasters (RSHQ course) HS20 hours per activity1
Legislation Course LEML10 hours per activity1
Manage team effectiveness^LEML5 hours per activity1
Manage, operate and maintain the mine ventilation system*HS5 hours per activity1
MEMS Emergency Management Course (provider: QMRS) LEML15 hours per year1
Principal Hazards related course (BOE approved) HS5 hours per activity1
Provide Leadership across the organisation^LEML5 hours per activity1
Provide leadership in the supervision of diverse work teams*LEML5 hours per activity1
Respirable Dust Awareness Course (provider: SIMTARS) HS10 hours per year1
Support the learning and development of teams and individuals^LEML5 hours per activity1
Support underground shotfiring operations*MM5 hours per activity1
Industry Participation
Max. 10 hours per year
Formalised mentoring of Certificate of Competency candidates LEML10 hours per year 
Oral Exam Panellist LEML10 hours per year 
Participate in Recognised Standard review, technical advisory committees (eg: RS, RII training, or other committee as approved by the BOE) LEML10 hours per year 
Max. 10 hours per year
AusIMM papers  2 hours per activity 
Online Regulatory Notices  LEML2 hours per activity 
Publications  2 hours per activity 
Technical Papers  2 hours per activity 
Site Visit
Max. 10 hours per year
Participate in Lvl 1 Emergency Exercise LEML5 hours per activity 
Validated minesite visits for specific Mining, Health and/or Safety issue  5 hours per activity 
Course Indicator:    * RII course,  ^  BSB course,  #  TAE  course.  Refer to for details    
Primary Subject:     MM: Mining Methods   HS: Health & Safety     LEML: Legislation, Emergency Management & Leadership